23 November 2023


Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)—Proud Guringai woman Sue Shilcock has lived in the Maitland region for over 20 years. Sue has a extensive knowledge of community and spends her time advocating for some of our community's most vulnerable children and families. Sue has a strong connection to both the Aboriginal and non-Indigenous community. Employed in the NDIS sector, Sue works closely with disadvantaged communities, in particular children with disabilities and their families. Sue has worked tirelessly across both the business and community sectors and is also a proud mother to Lucinda, Hannah-Rose and Mathew. At community events Sue supports activities that improves community connection whether it be dance, music, art or culture. As an Elder Sue continues to work determinedly towards connection for all people, all ages and cultures across the community. For this work she is deserving of recognition