18 October 2023


Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)—I wish to acknowledge the work of St Christopher's Church in Rutherford for supporting members of our Maitland Community. Led by welfare coordinator Kerrie Duffey, the volunteer team support those in our community who are homeless, couch surfing, or struggling financially. Every Tuesday morning the team offer a helping hand to those that knock on their door. They provide groceries to take home, advise on the provision of financial help and support services, or simply share a coffee, a meal and a kind ear. Kerrie and her team are on the front line when it comes to the needs of the most vulnerable in our community and the realities of the current cost of living crisis. These needs do not differentiate by age and neither do St Christopher's as they are more recently supporting teenagers and community members of all ages. Thank you St Christopher's for your important work for Maitland.