24 May 2023


Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)—Slow Food Hunter Valley has come up with an ingenious way to help local horticulturists to maintain a seed bank for pumpkin and squash while we go through the process of eradicating the varroa mite, with the creation of a pumpkin and squash seed Library. This ingenious idea began in response to the varroa mite eradication program, where pollination of local produce has become difficult due to culling of bees, an issue that has affected produce in the Maitland region. Slow Food have taken concerns about the need for the genetic pool for seeds in the area to be maintained, with a practical approach which will see our iconic Maitland pumpkin and squash seeds harvested by citizen farmers. Through their program, Slow Food Hunter Valley are calling on the community to help grow, hand pollinate and save seeds for local farmers. Community members can register to grow pumpkin or squash and in turn, Slow Food Hunter Valley will train individuals in the art of seed collection. The initiative will help build and maintain biodiversity of pumpkins and squash in the Maitland region, and ensure the sustainability of our iconic pumpkin pickers!