03 August 2023


Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)— Local Maitland residents Steve and Michelle from Life Half Full ran 231.5kms over 10 days to raise money for the Perry Cross Spinal Cord Research Foundation, who are poised to commence a world-first Cell Transplantation and Rehabilitation Human Clinical Trial. This revolutionary treatment involves the transplantation of a patient's own olfactory cells into the spinal cord. Having already been proven effective in preclinical research, preparations are underway to test the ground-breaking treatment in a trial in 2023. Since 2020, Steve and Michelle's motivation has been to live life to the fullest, live simply, with less consumerism and give back where they can. They decided to do this challenge because it has the real potential to change the lives of thousands of spinal cord injury patients. The reality is spinal cord patients struggle to live independently and Steve and Michelle believe that by raising the profile of the clinical trial, then Life Half Full are fulfilling their mission. Congratulations to you both on your efforts.