Aspect Hunter School Expo
Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)—Deciding what to do when you leave high school is a daunting prospect for many teenagers. For those students with an Autism diagnosis, it can be even more so. Congratulations to the Aspect Hunter School who recently held a Preparing for Post School Life Expo, as part of their Work Education and Work Skills program. The event was funded by the Greater Charitable Foundation. The overarching goal of the program was to improve employment outcomes and opportunities for young autistic people upon transition to post-school employment or study. This year's expo featured 22 stalls which provided attendees with access to a wide range of services and organisations that can assist students, as well as their families and carers, as they move into adulthood. The school has a safe, caring, stable and inclusive environment for students, which is why transitioning to a new vocation can be particularly daunting. The expo enables links for families with key transition services providers. Congratulations to Aspect Hunter School principal Craig McNee and the team on their commitment to supporting students through to the next stage of their lives.