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The thousands of people travelling to and from the Mundi Mundi Bash will do so on a sealed road for the first time thanks to a $1.85 million investment from the Minns Labor Government.
From January 6, crews will start working to seal a 2.5 kilometre section of Wilangee Road, from Umberumberka Dam to just past the festival location at Belmont Station.
The work means the local community, along with the 14,000 people expected to attend the Mundi Mundi Bash in August, will now be able to travel safer and enjoy the festivities even more.
Work will start with crews setting up a site at Umberumberka and traffic will be safely detoured off this section of Wilangee Road via a side-track detour. After traffic has been switched onto the side-track detour, earthworks and drainage installation will take place ahead of sealing.
The side-track detour will have a speed limit of 60 km/h and there will be no public access to Umberumberka Dam for the duration of the work. The work will occur between 6.30am and 4.30pm on a nine-day fortnight, excluding weekends.
The project will support the employment of about 14 people, including local contractors.
The work is expected to take about three months to complete, weather permitting.
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison said:
“The popularity of the Mundi Mundi Bash grows every year and the Minns Labor Government is proud to be investing in construction of a new all-weather road surface ensure to ensure this event can go from strength to strength into the future.
“Importantly, festival-goers will arrive and head home more safely while the logistical side of the event will greatly benefit from having the road sealed.
“The dust issues that have impacted all motorists on this section of road previously will now be a thing of the past and importantly the festival will be able to go ahead in the event of heavy rain.”
Member for Barwon Roy Butler said:
“The sealing of the Wilangee Road will help to make the Mundi Mundi Bash safer and more accessible for locals who live in the area and tourists attending the event.
“Each year this event has drawn increasing numbers of tourists, who make a valuable contribution to all the towns they visit along the way.
“So many of the surrounding communities like Menindee, Wilcannia and Cobar tell me about the vibrancy of their towns in the weeks before and after the Bash. I thank the road crews for the work they’ll be putting into this project and look forward to seeing it get underway.”
Labor’s spokesperson for Barwon Stephen Lawrence MLC said:
“The government understands good roads are a critical enabler for so many country communities and residents.
“The work we’re doing in Broken Hill will improve tourism, economic growth and regional development opportunities in the far west.”
MEDIA: Ryan Young | Minister Aitchison | 0477 608 886