Media Release - They fish, they vote, they catch the train.

18 September 2015

Jenny Aitchison MP, Member for Maitland, today spoke to train commuters at Telarah Station who are not impressed with the loss of the train into Newcastle CBD.

“I spoke to Ron this morning who said he used to love taking his grandkids into Newcastle Harbour for a fish, but now it’s just too hard.

“It is all about how easy it was and now how much harder it is and I just don’t go into town any more”, said Ron.

“Another commuter said she takes a visually impaired friend into doctors appointments in the Newcastle CBD, and the distress it caused having to get her friend and her friends guide dog off the train and onto a bus was just too much. She told me they now drive,” said Ms Aitchison.

“Prior to December last year you could not get a park at Telarah Station or its surrounds due to the amount of people catching the train, this morning, getting a park was no problem."

“It’s just a shame that these people may well be lost to our public transport system. How is this a good thing?"

“I have had a constant stream of people into my office over the last two days dropping off petitions, and it’s the same story every time, “how dare they do this to us”.

“There has been no investment in this decision by this Government. Public transport is vitally important to the socioeconomic strength, development and resilience of every community."

“Having the rail line is about giving people in Maitland and beyond the opportunity to connect directly with the major CBD in our region. It is about connectivity, transport and, ultimately, people."

“I could fill pages and pages with stories of people who have been adversely affected by this Government’s decision."