Media Release - Rutherford Stink raises its head again

10 July 2015

Jenny Aitchison, Member for Maitland, has raised the issue of the “Rutherford stink” with the Minister for the Environment following an inundation of complaints by residents in the last two weeks to the Environment Protection Authority.

“This has been an ongoing problem for Rutherford residents and I have been approached by the community saying enough is enough."

“People who suffer from asthma and people who have a sensitivity that affects their eyes or skin are the most affected by this smell."

“This problem has been going on for many years with one person being taken to hospital last year when the smell entered an air conditioning unit."

“I have called on residents to document description of smell as well as days and times this is happening so that this matter can be addressed."

“The community deserve to see this issue resolved and I will be working with the community to ensure everything that can be done is done.”