Media Release - MP Walks the Talk on Environmental Issues in Maitland

07 March 2016

Member for Maitland, Jenny Aitchison, is proving actions speak louder than words when it comes to the environment.

"We have a number of major environmental problems in our community and I will continue to speak up against polluters, but I continue to take positive actions to improve our environment too. Clean Up Australia Day is a key part of my own environmental plan."

This is the third year in a row Ms Aitchison and her team of local volunteers have participated in Clean Up Australia Day at Ashtonfield near the intersection of the New England Highway and South Seas Drive.

Ms Aitchison started cleaning the site in 2014, "I thought it was pretty disappointing that our local MP who was also the Minister for Environment was not listed as having a site locally for the day."

"I did it and promised myself I would continue to do it as you get a great sense of achievement and it's of a practical thing I can do as the Member for Maitland to show leadership in our local community on environmental issues."

"It took me many months but I have finally succeeded in getting the NSW Parliament to install recycling bins in our electorate office in February. It's important that businesses and community leaders take their corporate social responsibilities seriously."

"When I was in business we always used recycling bins and washable cups, offset fuel emissions and integrated many other environmental initiatives into our corporate plan because it was good for the environment, cheaper for our bottom line, and gave our team members a sense of satisfaction."

"Clean Up Australia Day gives everyone in our community the opportunity to take positive steps for the environment."