Media Release - Maitland High student named finalist in Youth Frontiers Awards

18 February 2016

Maitland High School student Max Young was this week announced as a finalist at the Youth Frontiers Mentoring Program Awards Ceremony held at NSW Parliament House.

Member for Maitland, Jenny Aitchison, was pleased to attend the ceremony and share the experience with Max’s mother, Nicola, and sister, Mackenzie, who represented him as he is currently in Finland.

Max was recognised for his innovative plan to paint GPS co-ordinates on house roofs, ­pinpointing exact locations for helicopters to drop supplies ­during floods.

After experiencing the effects of the April superstorm last year that severely impacted the Maitland community, Max worked on the project to ensure assistance was provided in an efficient manner to disaster-affected properties.

“Out of the isolation and despair caused by the storm and flooding, this very innovative idea has emerged” said Ms Aitchison.

Max engaged the SES for support to notify local households of their GPS coordinates and started a campaign to have these coordinates painted on the roofs of houses.

“I was lucky enough to meet with Max during the Youth Frontiers program and was impressed with his dedication to solving this problem that affects so many people in Maitland” said Ms Aitchison.

The Ceremony was an opportunity for the Minister responsible for youth affairs, the Hon. John Ajaka MLC, to recognise those students who had excelled in the Youth Frontiers program during 2015.

“It is very exciting that Max’s effort and commitment towards his project has been acknowledged, and rewarded, by the Minister”.

“It is the contributions of young minds like Max that provides the community with a simple but effective solution to a problem that impacts so many people in the Maitland region”.

Ms Aitchison delivered a Community Recognition Statement in the NSW Parliament to celebrate Max’s achievement. The speech can be viewed by visiting Max Young - Community Recognition Statement.