Media Release - Lochinvar Police Station to close "by stealth"

09 July 2015

Today Jenny Aitchison, Member for Maitland, was informed by a community member that the officer working from Lochinvar Police station was transferring to another station with no replacement in site for his position.

“I call on the Minister for Police, Troy Grant, to ensure a replacement for the position at Lochinvar Police Station is implemented immediately. If no replacement is provided, does this mean the end of a police presence in Lochinvar?"

“This would be a kick in the guts for local residents who have suffered massive losses in the recent storms, and to see vital services like policing being ripped out from under them with no notice or consultation is disgraceful."

“Lochinvar Police Station is not manned 24 hours, but provides security and essential services to one of the small towns of my electorate and it’s surrounds. Small communities have few services as it is and to see a loss of such a service will have greater impacts on this community."

“This could be placing our community in life threatening situations if they are under the false impression that they have a presence in the community."

“Why was the community or myself not consulted on such a change if no replacement is to be implemented.

“For the safety of Lochinvar residents I hope that we will see a positive answer from Minister Grant."