Media Release - Jenny Aitchison slams NSW Government over Council amalgamation push

21 October 2015

Member for Maitland, Jenny Aitchison MP, says Premier Baird is wrong to force amalgamation on Maitland and Dungog Councils.

“The Premier is just not listening to anyone except his own party,” Ms Aitchison says.

“He’s not listening to Local Government NSW or experienced general managers or the great majority of dedicated local councillors or the many community organisations and residents.”

“Millions of dollars have been spent on the “Fit for the Future” report,” Ms Aitchison says.

“Millions that could have been spent on better roads and services rather than being wasted to help get a few more Liberals elected to new mega-councils.”

“If non-voluntary amalgamations are forced on communities, I will work with councils to oppose them.”

“I agree with the report from Maitland and Dungog Council that clearly demonstrates there are virtually no savings to be generated from a merger and in fact costs would rise.”

“For councils to raise additional revenue rates would have to go up and the community would bear the brunt of another short-sighted, ill-informed policy from this government.”