Media Release - Baird Government must implement domestic violence recommendations

13 October 2015

Member for Maitland Jenny Aitchison MP has called on the Baird Liberal Government to immediately adopt and implement all relevant recommendations of the Queensland Government’s Special Task Force report into Domestic Violence Not Now, Not Ever.

Ms Aitchison’s will move notice of the following motion in the Parliament this week:

“That this house notes the increasing incidence of domestic violence resulting in homicide of women and resolves to implement all recommendations of the Queensland Government's report into Domestic Violence "Not Now, Not Ever" that apply to NSW including legislative changes and improvements to services, and that such changes be adequately funded to ensure they are effective in eliminating violence against women.”

Ms Aitchison said “we have seen an increasing number of domestic homicides in the last year, as well as significant injuries to women and their children. Often it is the murders which take the media focus, but reports are showing that every three hours a woman in Australia is hospitalised and three women a week will suffer head injuries due to domestic violence.”

“Women and children in Australia need to feel and be safe in their homes and this is clearly not the case.”

“The current wave of interest in domestic violence is due in no small part to the courage of many, many survivors like Rosie Batty, as well as other high profile campaigners such as Quentin Bryce, Liz Broderick, and male champions of change such as Ret. General David Morrison”, said Ms Aitchison.

“We must ensure that the government capitalises on the community outrage over domestic violence to enact real change in funding, legislation and social policy which will make a real difference in eliminating domestic violence. The Queensland Labor Government has provided $31 million to implement the Not Now, Not Ever Report. In NSW we need to be matching our words with real action.”