Media Release - Aitchison concerned with new emergency department data

17 March 2016

Jenny Aitchison, Member for Maitland, has voiced her concerns about waiting times in local emergency departments following the release of new emergency department data by the NSW Bureau of Health.

The figures show that one in four people have to wait more than four hours in our emergency department at Maitland, and one in three have to wait more than four hours at John Hunter Hospital.

“The Baird Liberal Government needs to urgently commence construction of the new Lower Hunter Hospital at Metford, which will alleviate these waiting times” said Ms Aitchison.

With five more people coming to live in Maitland every day, these figures are just going to get worse. The Government must act now.

“I will be writing to the Minister for Health and the Parliamentary Secretary for the Hunter urging them to fast track construction of the hospital” said Ms Aitchison.

“The planning and consultation processes are complete and we were told last year that the business case would be put forward to the Treasury in June 2015.”

“What is the delay – lives are at risk every day this is delayed.”