Aitchison calls on Government to start hospital construction

16 February 2016

Jenny Aitchison, Member for Maitland, strongly began the Parliamentary year calling on the NSW Government to immediately commence construction of the new Lower Hunter Hospital.

Ms Aitchison lodged the following Notice of Motion in the Legislative Assembly earlier this afternoon:

I give notice that on the next sitting day I will move that this House:

  1. Notes that the population in Maitland is growing at a rate of around five people per day.

  2. Condemns the Baird Grant Government for failing to provide new public health facilities for the community.

  3. Recognises that the Baird Grant Government is putting the health of the entire Hunter region population at risk by failing to build the new Lower Hunter Hospital.

  4. Calls on the Government to commence construction on the new Lower Hunter Hospital immediately.

The Baird Liberal Government has invested significant time and effort into their infrastructure program in Sydney, yet is neglecting rural and regional areas like Maitland, by refusing to construct essential public health facilities.

“We have entered the sixth year since the Government’s announcement, yet still nothing has happened” said Ms Aitchison.

“Our community can no longer be held to ransom by this Government. With our population growing rapidly we do not have time to be playing cat and mouse political games.”

“The Government needs to announce what model will be built and when construction will commence.”